Welcome to your first step of living a sober lifestyle. "
Welcome to your first step of living a sober lifestyle. At CCS we understand that seeking and finding help for alcohol and drug addiction or co-occurring disorders can be a difficult task. CCS adopted the “No Wrong Door” policy offering compassionate, comprehensive and affordable treatment for both substance abuse and mental disorders, regardless of where you enter the system. Our treatment programs are developed using the person-centered approach allowing clients to move from one level of care to another as required;outpatient (OP), intensive outpatient (IOP) and residential treatment. We specialize in Addiction Treatment and Co-occurring Disorders that include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and trauma issues. Many clients are often struggling with more issues than alcohol and drug addiction. Our professional staff are able to help identify, stabilize and work with our clients as they shed destructive habits and heal emotional wounds. We offer support not only to our clients, but also to each family member and community neighbors who may be affected by the disease of addiction or co-occurring disorders.
If you or someone you love is in need of drug or alcohol treatment, call 1-423-349-4070. Our staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Author: Mary
BIO: My name is Mary and I was fortunate to have the opportunity to be an intern at Comprehensive Community Services. I received an Associate of Arts Degree in Psychology in 2011 in and Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology in 2012 from the University of Phoenix.
CCS offers a great educational opportunity with their internship program. Internships will allow you to gain
2012-02-26 | Comments Off on Internships at CCS

"If I had never went to CCS when I did, I don't know if I'd even be alive right now"
"CCS really made my life better, it helped me get myself back on track."
"Dear CCS Staff,
I wanted to express my utmost appreciated and severe thanks for the life skills I was taught during my visit. I came into the program very bitter and angry, and thinking I was better than everyone else,
2012-07-29 | Comments Off on Welcome to CCS!

CCS is very proud of being able to serve and make a difference in our community and those affected by substance abuse for 40 years. CCS was established in 1970 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for the treatment of alcohol and drug abuse. CCS is licensed by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health, and governed by a Board of Directors. CCS is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation
2012-07-28 | Comments Off on CCS is Proud of its History